Biking For Exercise And Fun by ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute Biking not only is good for your health, it immerses the sense in beauty:...
Rising temperatures, sunny days and blue skies are calling us outside to walks in the greenbelt, picnics in the park, and sporting events. As the weather warms,...
In honor of Read Across America Day, an annual reading motivation program sponsored by the National Education Association, future residents of Waltonwood...
Antibiotics linked to Tendon Damage By ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute , Falls Church, VA Antibiotics can play a key role in fighting serious...
CONTROL YOUR ANTERIOR KNEE PAIN WITH BUTTOCKS EXERCISE Control Your Anterior Knee Pain with Buttocks Exercise by ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine...
& It's frustrating when your body won't change. When the pounds won't drop. When those extra inches won't go away. If you're exercising regularly and...
Survival strategy to keep holiday pounds from making a permanent home on your hips.. By Elite Fitness Concepts, Great Falls, VA There's no denying that the...
All Points PR – Guest Contributor
Dec 20 2016
It’s estimated that the average person has around $2,500 worth of valuable items lying around their house. That’s a lot of extra income that most people don’t...
Get Fit Newsletter: From: Elite Fitness Concepts, Great Falls, VA Eating for fat loss By now you are probably aware that the term, eat clean , has...
Toasted Lemon Quinoa Cabbage Salad by Elite Fitness, Great Falls, VA Here’s a unique new salad recipe to try, that’s far from ordinary. With cabbage,...